Hey All!

Now we’re getting into the swing of things.
Consider this an informal invitation to come play pickleball with your favorite Bellingham architects this summer. Last week the office took the court for some competitive (and at times sloppy) pickleball. A few people came prepared, playing warm up matches over the last few weeks. Most of us, however, haven’t played a paddle sport in quite a while and it showed. After some faults, misplays, and broken rules, we all eventually found our groove and made some impressive shots. Like everyone else in America, we are hooked.
We showed up early, while the sun was pretty high, and were able to shake the rust off with only a few other people bearing witness. Initially, Sean had visions of a “friendly” tournament. We never really got around to that, instead opting for a “casual” round robin style of play. We rotated teammates and gave little challenges to each other. By the end, we hadn’t determined a pecking order for the best in the office. We mostly just laughed and enjoyed the nice day, occasionally landing a sweet little line-hugging shot that anyone would be proud of.
I think we are going to keep getting together after work hours to play. Let us know if you’d be interested in joining!