Glacier Retreat

Glacier Retreat

A place to work and play We had our annual retreat at a “cottage” in Glacier, Washington. As you can see, the word cottage doesn’t seem appropriate. The retreat wasn’t all fun and games though… although we did have a lot of good food and fun… we discussed goals,...

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Project Planning Packet

Project Planning Packet

The Project Planning Packet is an interactive tool that will help you define your needs and prepare both yourselves and your architect for our first exploratory meeting.   Download your Project Planning Packet    

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7 Reasons for using an architect

7 Reasons for using an architect

1 – Architects can stretch your budget Your project starts out with two competing factors: Wish List and Budget. Sometimes not everything on your Wish List can happen within your budget. But an architect will help you get as much value as possible. And, they can...

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Our new front desk

Our new front desk

  I don’t even know where this desk concept started. The idea existed before I started here more then a year ago. Like many designs the execution resembled a game of telephone where the result only loosely resembled the original idea. I think Sean started the...

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A Very Dinosaur Staff Retreat

A Very Dinosaur Staff Retreat

Oh, I can't believe it's been a whole year and I haven't blogged since the last staff retreat! My first year I wrote often and then this year came and I was…I guess good at my job doing billable work that paid us money?? Lots of apologies about that. Good news is we...

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Levels: Bubble or Digital?

Levels: Bubble or Digital?

The Lowly bubble level will surprise you Standard digital levels have an accuracy of 0.1 degrees. But according to Johnson Level, bubble levels (also called “spirit” or “vial” levels) actually have a better accuracy of .029. That means careful use of a bubble level...

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